Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to capture technical names and descriptions from BEX Query?


Every one might have faced this issue. I too faced. After several searches in Google and with my peers, I came to know that there is no direct way we can capture BEX Query Meta data. ( I am not sure there might be a way, but at least I am not aware of).

After so much of struggle, I got a nice work around way to capture the meta data. I would like to share the same with you.

Let's go step by step:

Step1: Identify the BEX Query, for which meta data to be captured.

Step2: Use Snagit. ( If not available with you get it from

Snagit has a great feature, which captures a test in the selected screen. Once you select snag it select a area from which you want to capture text.

Step3: Snagit nicely captures the text from the selected area.

Step 4: The selected area of the text is as follows:

         [0XARLSUPP__0XADIVSUP] Supplier Diversity
         [0XARLSUPP__0XARWOMIND] Woman Owned
         [0XARLSUPP__0XARMINOWN] Minority Owned
         [0XARLSUPP__0XARSBUS] Small Business

         [0XSARBUYER] Buyer
         [0XSARBUYER__0XSARBUYORG] Buying Organization Obsolete
         [0XARMANORG] Management Organiz.
         [0XARORGSITE] Site
         [0XARCOCTR] Cost Center

         [0XARGLACC] G/L Account
         [0XSARDOCTYP] Document Type
         [0XSARAGID] Contract
         [0XSACSDAT] Contract Start Date

         [0XSACEDAT] Contract Expiry Date
         [0XSARINWOC] Invoice w/o Contract
         [0XSARFIDTYP] Transaction Type
         [0ASAPSPNR] WBS Element

         [0XSAPROJST] Project Status
         [0XSAPROJRSK] Project Risk
         [0XSAPROJPR] Project Priority
         [0XSAPROJPAD] Project Start Date

Step5: Select all areas as required and capture the metadata.

The above solution may not be the right one. At least it reduces lot of effort of manually capturing all such information. :)

Please post your comments if you like this work around :)

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